Time flies when you’re having fun (Part 2)…
It’s all good and well deciding that monitoring your time would be useful, now you need to work out how to do it, and what’s going to work best for you.
Time flies when you’re having fun (Part 1)…
“Time flies when you’re having fun” - but actually, for many of us time just flies!
For the last 5 years I have tracked my working time and have seen the benefits it can bring.
Is it time to put your feet up….
Without a doubt Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a hot topic at the moment. Whatever your thoughts, one thing seems to be certain - AI is here to stay, and it’s going to have an impact on what we do and the way we do it.
Auntie Sarah, what do you do….
What struck me - when being interviewed by my niece for a brownie badge - was how insightful the questions where, and how they showed in a matter of minutes what I do and what I’ve learned along the way.
Every day is a school day…
Reading has - for many - become more than just a way to wind down at the end of the day or on the beach. But can reading really benefit you - and your business - and how do you make the most of it?
What can I do for you…
“Hmmm… I get it - there is so much that I do that I probably shouldn’t do, but what’s a good task to pass over to a Juggling Octopus?”
The Art of Delegation…
Good leadership is about an ability to juggle many things, but one of them - and an element that is key to working with a Virtual Assistant - is the ability to delegate.
Not all Virtual Assistants are created equal…
Making the decision to use a Virtual Assistant (VA) as part of your business strategy is - in my opinion - a great decision. So now it’s time to find the right VA for you.
It seemed a good idea to share why I think working with Juggling Octopus and our team of wonderful VAs based in the UK is a great option.
I’ll just hire another pair of hands…
Historically, if there is more work than people to complete it, then the equation points to hiring.
But that doesn’t have to be the case - and for those not familiar with VAs, or who are aware of what we do but haven’t yet taken the plunge and worked with one, then I’d like to state the case for our industry.
I’m biased without doubt, but see what you think!
Let’s start at the very beginning…
I shall keep this brief; I would much rather share my story over a coffee and conversation for those of you that are interested. Everyone has a story, and the “why” is important.
So if you’re sitting comfortably, then let me start by telling you not just the why, but the who, what, where, when, why AND how of Juggling Octopus.